Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Waking up

For years, ok, for decades, I used an alarm clock to wake me at the time I wanted.  Now, most days, I leave it to habit to wake up about when I want.  I think my father, who lived to be about 89, had trouble with falling asleep when he didn't want to and was not in a safe place to do so, such as when driving a car. I haven't had trouble with that so far.  I do understand that aging can bring all sorts of sleep difficulties but so far, things have been pretty much what I want and expect.  

Naturally, we have become accustomed to each other sleep habits.  In the last few years, there have been more nights awake at the "wrong" times and those times often last too long.  One or both of us is usually up and moving by 6:30 or 7:00 but occasionally she sleeps later catching up.  One those days, I turn on fewer lights, stay away from the bedroom and get the coffee made. 

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