Kirby 1983 Reading List of Good Books
(I have marked fiction in red)
- The New Yorker Album of Drawings
- Adams - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
- Adams - The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
- Adams - Effectiveness Training for Women
- Alinsky - Rules for Radicals
- Amado - Don Flores and Her Two Husbands
- Amato & Edwards - Affair
- Bach & Deutsch – Pairing
- Bach & Wyden - The Intimate Enemy
- Bailey - Fit or Fat
- Bain, Beatty, and Hunter - Poetry
- Bardwick - The Psychology of Women
- Barzun - Clio and the Doctors
- Barzun - The House of Intellect
- Barzun - Science: The Glorious Entertainment
- Barzun - Teacher in America
- Barzun - God's Country and Mine
- Bell - Men of Mathematics
- Bennett - How to Live on 24 Hours a Day
- Benson - The Relaxation Response
- Berne - Sex in Human Loving
- Berne - What Do You Say After You Say Hello?
- Berry - The Next 10,000 Years
- Berry, W_
- Blanshard - The Uses of a Liberal Education
- Bleich - Readings and Feelings
- Biyth - Akenfield
- Boeke - The Universe In 40 Steps
- Boorstin - The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America
- Booth - The Knowledge Most Worth Having
- Bowles - What Color Is Your Parachute
- Box & Draper - Evolutionary Operation
- Bradbury - Fahrenheit 451
- Brown, Barbara - Stress and the Art of Biofeedback
- Butler - The Way of all Flesh
- Caine - Widow
- Capon - Exit 36
- Chase - Tyranny of Words
- Churchman - Challenge to Reason
- Cirino - Don't Blame the People
- Clark - The Life of Bertrand Russell
- Clark, K - Civilization
- Clarke - Childhood's End
- Clavell - Shogun
- Cohen - Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences
- Cole - The House of Bondage
- Collier - Fancies and Goodnights
- Collier - His Monkey Wife
- Comfort - The Joy of Sex
- Commoner - The Closing Circle
- Commoner - The Poverty of Power
- Conover - Practical Nonparametric Statistics
- Cooke - Six Men
- Cooper and Cooper - Aerobics for Women
- Cooper - The Aerobics Way
- Cooper - The New Aerobics
- Cornuelle - Demanaging America: The Final Revolution
- Cousins - The Anatomy of an Illness
- Curtis and Greenslet - The Practical Cogitator
- Dahl - Someone Like You
- Dahl - Kiss, Kiss
- De Vries - The Tents of Wickedness
- Dillon - Constructing Texts
- Dowling - The Cinderella Complex
- Dreyfus - What Computers Can't Do
- Durant - The Lessons of History
- Edwards - Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain
- Elbow - Writing without Teachers
- Elbow - Writing with Power
- Ephron - Crazy Salad
- Evans - The Micro Millenium
- Feller - Intro to Probability Theory
- Feuerstein - Instrumental Enrichment
- Fisher & Ury - Getting to Yes
- Fitzgerald - Fire in the Lake
- Fitzgerald - Rewriting American History New Yorker 1, 3/79
- Fleiss - Statistical Methods for Rates and Proportions
- Fowles - Daniel Martin
- Fowles - The French Lieutenant's Woman
- Frankel - The Pleasures of Philosophy
- Friday - My Mother/My Self
- Friday - My Secret Garden
- Friedman & Rosenman - Type A Behavior and Your Heart
- Fuchs - Family Matters
- Gallwey - The Inner Game of Tennis
- Gambrill -Behavior Modification: Handbook of Assessment, Etc
- Garcia - The Conspiracy - Psych
- Gardner - On Moral Fiction
- Glasser - Positive Addiction
- Goldberg - The Hazards of being Male
- Golden - For 2¢ Plain
- Gordon - Teacher Effectiveness Training
- Gordon - Parent Effectiveness Training
- Gordon - Leader Effectiveness Training
- Graves - I, Claudius
- Gray - The Teacher's Survival Guide
- Greer - The Female Eunuch
- Griffin - Black Like Me
- Guitton - A Students Guide to Intellectual Work
- Gwaltney - Drylongso
- Halleck, S – The Politics of Therapy
- Halleck, S – Therapy is the Handmaiden of Status Quo – Psych Today
- Hamilton - Anti-Social Register
- Hanks & Belliston - Draw!
- Hanks & Belliston - Rapid Viz
- Hansen & Jensen - The Little Red Schoolbook
- Hare - Applications of Moral Philosophy
- Hare - Systems Analysis A Diagnostic Approach
- Hare - Freedom and Responsibility
- Hare - The Language of Morals
- Harris, R - Freedom Spent
- Harris, T - I'm OK - You're OK
- Hassler - Staggerford
- Hassler - Simon's Night
- Hassler - Jemmy
- Hassler - The Love Hunter
- Hawthorne - The Scarlet Letter
- Hayakawa - Language in Thought and Action
- Hays - Statistics
- Henry, J - Culture Against Man
- Hentoff - Our Children are Dying
- Herndon - How to Survive in Your Native Land
- Herndon - The Way it Spozed to Be
- Hesse - Siddhartha
- Hoban - The Lion of Joachin-Boaz and Boaz-Joachin
- Hoffman, B - Tyranny of Testing
- Holt - How Children Learn
- Holt - What Do I Do Monday?
- Hopkins - The Numbers Game
- Household - Watcher in the Shadows
- Houts - The Myth of Measurability
- Huff - How to Lie with Statistics
- Hughes - High Wind in Jamaica
- Hughes - The Shock of the New
- Hunt & Hunt - Prime Time
- Hutchins - The Great Books-Vol
- Ivey - The Nonscience of Teaching-Science Teacher March 68
- Jacobson - Nutrition Scoreboard
- James, H - The American
- James, W - Talks to Teachers
- Jastrow - The Enchanted Loom
- Jeffery - The Logic of Decision
- Johnson and Stolberg - Conditioning
- Johnson, V - I'll Quit Tomorrow
- Jourard - The Transparent Self
- Kaufmann - The Future of the Humanities
- Kemeny et al - Intro to Finite Math
- Kemeny and Snell - Finite Markov Chains
- Kemeny and Snell - Math Models in the Social Sciences
- Kerr - The Decline of Pleasure
- Kipling - Just So Stories
- Kirby - Grading, Testing and Instructional Format
- Kirkham - Signal Zero
- Klein S & Danzig - How to Be Heard
- Kline, M - Why Johnny Can't Read
- Koestler - The Ghost in the Machine
- Koestler - The Roots of Coincidence
- Kohl - 36 Children
- Kozol - Free Schools
- Kubler-Ross - On Death and Dying
- Lakein - How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life
- Lance - Getting Strong
- Lance - Running for Health and Beauty
- Lane - Let the Hurricane Roar
- Lanham - Style: An Anti-Textbook
- Lappe'- Food First
- Lawson - The Fabulous Flight
- Levine - The Rights of Students
- Lewis, C S - Miracles
- Lewis, C S - Christian Reflections
- Lewis, C S - An Experiment in Literary Criticism
- Lewis, C S - The Abolition of Man
- Lewis, C S - The Four Loves
- Lewis, C S - Mere Christianity
- Lewis, C S - The Screwtape Letters
- Lewis, C S - That Hideous Strength
- Lewis, C S - Studies in Words
- Lewis, C S - The Discarded Image
- Lewis, S - Main Street
- Liebman - Peace of Mind
- Linder - The Harried Leisure Class
- Lindgren - Elements of Decision Theory
- Loomis - Fun With a Pencil
- Loomis - Successful Drawing
- Lucas - The Freedom of the Will
- Mackler, B - "Win" - Psychology Today, 1971
- Macrorie - Uptaught
- Mandino - The US in a Nutshell
- Masters & Johnson - The Pleasure Bond
- May - Love and Will
- May - The Courage to Create
- Mayer - The Male Mid-Life Crisis
- McGee, V - Principles of Statistics
- McGinley - Saint-Watching
- McGinley - Sixpence in Her Shoe
- McGrady - The Kitchen Sink Papers
- Mead - How to Get to the Future Before it Gets to You
- Mehrens & Ebel - Principles of Ed & Psych Measurement
- Melly & Glaves-Smith - A Child of Six Could Do It
- Mendenhall Et al - Elementary Survey Sampling
- Mercer - The Lethal Label- Psych Today 9-72
- Moody - Life After Life
- Morehouse & Gross - Total Fitness
- Morgan - The Total Woman
- Mosteller & Rooke - Sturdy Statistics
- Muggeridge - Third Testament
- Murray & Karpovich - Weight Training for Athletics
- Neier et al - Whistle-Blowing
- Naisbitt - Megatrends
- Neier – Dossier
- Newman - World of Math (Vol 1-4)
- Ogilvy - Confessions of an Advertising Man
- Opie - The Classic Fairy Tales
- Ostrander & Schroeder - Superlearning
- Panatti - Breakthrough
- Papanek - Design for the Real World
- Parmenter - The Awakened Eye
- Passmore - The Perfectibility of Man
- Paton - Too Late the Phalarope
- Pelletier - Mind as Healer, Mind as Slayer
- Perkinson - The Possibilities of Error
- Peters, R S - Ethics and Education
- Phillips - Your God is Too Small
- Phillips - Ring of Truth
- Phillips - How to Fall Out of Love
- Pirsig - Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
- Polanyi - The Logic of Liberty
- Popham & Baker - Systematic Instruction
- Postman & Weingartner - The School Book
- Postman & Weingartner - Teaching as a Subversive Activity
- Powell - Why Am I Afraid to Tell You Who I Am?
- Preston - The Great American Blow-Up
- Puzo - The Godfather
- Quine, WVO - The Ways of Paradox & Other Essays
- Raiffa - Decision Analysis
- Rand - Atlas Shrugged
- Raucher - The Summer of 42
- Reischauer - Toward the 21st Century: Education for a Changing World
- Renault - The King Must Die
- Roberts - Discrete Mathematical Models
- Rodgers - Freaky Friday
- Rogers - Becoming Partners
- Rogers, C - Encounter Groups
- Rogers, C - Freedom to Learn
- Rogers, C - On Becoming A Person
- Rogers, C - Carl Rogers on Personal Power
- Rostand - Cyrano de Bergerac
- Rothman - The Angel Inside Went Sour
- Rubin - The Rights Of Teachers
- Russell - The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell
- Russell - The Conquest of Happiness
- Ryan (Ed.) - Don't Smile Until Christmas
- Salmon, Jeffreys, and Greeno - Stat Explanation and Stat Relevance
- Sanders - Classroom Questions-What Kinds
- Savage - Uncertainty and Behavior
- Schmitt - Measuring Uncertainty
- Schuiz & Rogers - Marriage, The Family & Personal Fulfillment
- Scriven - Primary Philosophy
- Scriven - The Values of the Academy - Review of Ed Research 40-4:10
- Selye - Stress without Distress
- Selzer - Mortal Lessons
- Servan - Schreiber-The American Challenge
- Sherman - It All Depends
- Short - The Gospel According to Peanuts
- Shulman - Rally Round the Flag, Boys
- Shulman - Memoirs of an Ex-Prom Queen
- Siegel, S - Nonparametric Statistics
- Sless - Learning and Visual Communication
- Slonim - Sampling
- Smith, Robert M - Teacher Diagnosis of Educational Difficulties
- Smith - Gorky Park
- Spencer - The Light in the Piazza
- Starvianos - The Promise of the Coming Dark Age
- Stevenson - Seven Theories of Human Nature
- Strunk and White - The Elements of Style
- Suzuki - Nurtured by Love
- Thoreau - Walden
- Toffler - Future Shock
- Townsend - Up the Organization
- Tukey - Exploratory Data Analysis
- Twain - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
- Tyler, L - Intelligence-Some Recurring Issues
- Tyler & Wolfe - Critical Issues
- USGPO - National Assessment Materials
- Vanden Broeck - Less is More: The Art of Voluntary Poverty
- Vickey and Fries - Take Care of Yourself
- Viscott - The Language of Feelings
- Von Lawick-Goodall - My Friends, the Wild Chimpanzees
- Von Lawick-Goodall - In the Shadow of Man
- Von Neuman - The Computer & the Brain
- Wallechinsky - The Book of Predictions
- Waltari - The Egyptian
- Walters - How to Talk to Practically Anybody About Practically Anything
- Warren - All the Kings Men
- Watson - The Racial Gap -Psych Today 9-72
- Watson - The Double Helix
- Wattenburg - The Real America
- Waugh - The Loved One
- Webb et al - Unobstrusive Measures
- Wees - Nobody Can Teach Anyone Anything
- Weiss - The Making of Men
- Weizenbaum - Computer Power and Human Reason
- Weldon - Praxis
- Weldon - Puffball
- Wellman - The Female
- White, E B - Charlotte's Web
- White, E B - One Man's Meat
- White, E B - The Second Tree From the Corner
- White, T H - The Once and Future King
- Whitla (Ed.) - Handbook of Measurement & Assessment in Behavioral Science
- Wiener, N - God & Golem, Inc
- Wiener, N - The Human Use of Human Beings
- Wilson - A Teacher is A Person
- Wolfe - From Bauhaus to Our House
- Zinsser - On Writing Well
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