At the end of each day's poem, there is a link to an Amazon book containing that poem. I liked "Tamed", about a young boy/man wrestling with the dual aspects of mowing the lawn, rebellion and dislike of the task on one hand and pride and improving picture of himself as a competent accomplisher on the other. So, I clicked on the Amazon link. I like to check to see if any book of interest is in Amazon format. (There is a link on nearly every book's page to urge it be in Kindle format if it isn't.) The poem was in The White Museum and that book was free!
I was very surprised. On second look, I saw that it was free IF borrowed on my Kindle. But, it was $9.99 to buy. Even though I like having books on the Kindle, I am economically astute enough to borrow under those circumstances. To borrow a book, you have to use the actual Kindle, not a computer or web site. On most Kindles, the menu include borrowing for a title that can be borrowed, if you don't have a book on loan already. To borrow, one selects that option. If you do already have a book borrowed from Amazon itself, not a local library, two conditions apply.
- First, you must not have borrowed a book for at least a month.
- Second, the book you have must be returned.
I did borrow the excellent "White Museum" and read all the poems in it in a couple of days. Now, I still have the book and can read a few of the better poems to Lynn. The Kindle lending library has no due dates. Once borrowed, I can keep the book for as long as I want, a nice feature. But, I can't borrow another for a month, regardless.
Main blog: Fear, Fun and Filoz
Main web site: Kirbyvariety