Monday, August 8, 2022

Two sites I value

The way the world wide web works is that I use a given web address to get to a particular file on a particular computer.  Here is an example:

Using most computers, if the machine is connected to the internet, clicking on that blue link will connect my machine to the one that houses the file of that "page".  Clicking sends a request to the host computer to send a copy of the file to my computer.  My computer uses the incoming file to create a facsimile of the page that I can look at.  To send me a copy, the sending machine must have an "address" for me.  The sending machine can keep a copy of my "address" and its owners can sell my address to those who will pay to know who is interested in fearfunandfiloz.   

Unlike most people writing blogs and other documents, I am not making money using my blog.  Unlike most people writing web pages or blogs, it is not important to me to get more people visiting my blog.  I don't mind if they do.  I have my posts on an open site where people all over the world can find and read my writing but it is not of great interest to lure more readers.  

I have found lately that the sites "" and "" are satisfying and useful.  Time gives the accurate time in the time zones of the US and its territories. Radar shows the continental US and where there are storms over the country.  

I enjoy trying to have accurate time.  The time site gives the time including the seconds.  The chapter in Steven Johnson's book "How We Got to Now" called "Time" describes the situation a while back when each town kept its own time.  The book "Longitude" by Dava Sobel describes what a mess it was for navigators without our system of longitude.  The mess sometimes included sailors dying from not reaching supplies in time.  

Radar shows where storms are in the US.  A storm that covers multiple states is a mammoth thing and does not move much in a short time.  Still, it is a pleasure for me to get an idea of what is drifting toward my position.