Trying again
Lynn missed recycling. Ten years or so ago, she bought two recycling bins. We used them in warm weather. They each sat in a stand fixed in a way that allowed them to be turned. They got too old and brittle. But she wanted to start again.
We got a new 8-sided bin from Amazon. It came in a large flat box, to be assembled. It includes two bags of nuts and bolts. One of the bags holds over 50 pieces of hardware. They included a little pamphlet and a note that they have better explanations on their website. Off and on, I have been slowly putting the whole thing together. I have found that the stand is misshaped or I have made errors or both since the body jams against the frame and interferes with rotating the bin. I will work on it.
The bag on top is what we are using for scraps now. Lynn feels I would be more accurate if I replaced all instances of "recycling" with "composting".
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