Cheerios and history
I've noticed that the current fashion is to write about cereal killers. A simple murderer won't do. Not enough punch, energy, evil, I guess. Ok, it is the matter of serial killers, I mean. Most of your cereal is already somewhat lifeless and baked. Your serial killers have killed and are likely to do so again and I may be their target, whereas your murderer who hates your neighbor will murder him and then retire from the practice of taking a life.
A similar language and plotting fashion has modified typical phrases that relate to change. We used to be able to say that drinking enough water instead of being inadequately hydrated would "change your life". That statement also lacks punch so it is now customary, modern and punchier to state that following a good suggestion will "change your life forever." Us graduate school philosophy minors feel bidden to inform the philosophically deprived that every breath one takes changes one's life forever. Look at it this way, before your next breath, you had not taken that particular breath. After your next breath, you are then living a life that includes that recent breath. One of my philosophy books had a dedication that read something like "It is not given to even God to undo what has been done." Us grad school philosophy minors grasp that every event modifies the history of the life we have. No need to thank me for this insight, it's just one of the pointers that we Fear,Fun,Filoz-ophers provide our readers.
In case you'd like to know, my first and main critic has pronounced today's post as "dumb" and "labored". Didn't they say the same thing about Hemingway and Austen?
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