Sometimes, look at the blog web page
Yesterday, I wrote about using the "Libby" app to borrow library books electronically. I wanted to show how to start looking through available books at some other point than the beginning of the list, which often runs to 15,000 items. I took a screen photo of the beginning of the list and a 2nd one doctored with drawing tools to emphasize an option to get to a given page of the list without scrolling through hundreds of pages.
I have sometimes gotten a message from Gmail that a file was too large to transmit over the internet but I did not get one while creating and sending yesterday's blog post with two photos in it. Later, I discovered that the emailed posts had been sent with the photos mechanically removed.
I am writing today to say that the blog web page
is available with both photos in it.
Google blogs can be written and posted using programs without use of email, but posts to a given blog can also be emailed into the blog.
An author wrote after yesterday's post that borrowing a library book results in little or no increase in income to an author. I sympathize with that truth but I have gained so much from libraries all my life that I continue to feel they are an important public blessing. I do admit that the Kindle reader's feature of collecting my marked highlights in an ebook and delivering that collection to my email often makes me want to purchase an ecopy even while I also have a borrowed ecopy.
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