Hate potholes?
Two days ago, we had a primary election here. There was a single question in addition to many offices to be filled. The question was Should all road projects costing more than 1 million dollars be required to have a referendum question on a ballot before being carried out? The question was answered Yes by 31 votes out of a total of 5483 votes.
The question was stimulated by the idea of modifying a major street so that it had a passing lane down the middle. People against requiring a referendum pointed out that 1 million was a low figure and the question would require too many referendum questions. People in favor said more referendum questions would hold down taxes. Those against thought there would be less repairs and asked if voters hated potholes.
At the same time, I looked at CNN Photos of the Week and thought that the third photo in the set showed the pothole to end all potholes. It is actually called a sinkhole. It occurred in Chile. It would swallow my car and me.
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