Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Good tool for book shopping

I can easily spend more time looking at book titles and lists of books than reading.  I saw an article the other day about libraries and it mentioned places where African Americans were not allowed in but Caucasians were.  I was thinking how my life would have been very different if I had been prohibited from entering, perusing and borrowing.  I got my first library card when I was five.  There was a public library near my school and I visited often on the way home.  I worked in a public library while in high school.  I asked my wife of more than 60 years on our first date in the campus library.  

When I found out about ebooks and read that they required NO use of computers to download, I immediately started purchasing them.  Now I have so many that I am often informed that I purchased a book 5 or more years ago as I go to buy one. As explained with a photo, I now use the app "Libby" on my iPad to borrow books instantly and I have learned how to start looking deeper in the set of available books than page 1.  With more than 500 pages of offerings, it can be valuable to skip the same old very popular offerings that I have read or don't want.

I limit myself to Mondays to look at books and I can borrow up to 10 at a time.  I can keep access for 14 days but I often know I am not interested in a book after 15 or so minutes of looking at it.  Since Monday, I have looked at "Braving the Wilderness" by Brene Brown and "Tiny Habits" by B.J. Fogg.  Both are good and I may buy an ecopy of them.  I like the way the Libby app tells me all the time how many days remain before the borrowed books are magically swallowed.  No driving to return anything anywhere.

If you want the app on your computer (stronger, faster than a tablet or smartphone) or tablet or phone, go to the app store on your device or use a browser to visit  Have your library card handy.