Friday, January 21, 2022


Our coldest day in a while: down to 5-10°below zero F.  Right now, it is 15° above.  I usually feel that once it is cold, good and cold, it doesn't matter too much just exactly what the temperature is.  The Weather Channel reports that it feels like 0°.  I was just out to bring our trash bins in and it didn't feel too bad.  

I was in Miami once and heard a radio announcement that the coming night would see temperatures of 44°.  The announcer said that it would be best to avoid going outdoors but if it was necessary, to dress in layers.  Local college students have been known to sunbathe in bathing suits at 50° so many around here don't bother with jackets, gloves or scarves at 44°.

I have heard of Wim Hof, from the Netherlands, who promotes ice baths and exposure to cold.  I know he has experienced low temperatures, including setting Guinness book records.  When I see pictures of him, he looks to me as though exposure to cold has taken a toll on him.  I think I can focus my attention on actions or plans when I am in cold but I don't feel it does me good, although it may get blood flowing. I don't want to stop my heart with cold exposure.  I like being warm and I may do better with heat than is typical.  I don't know.  I did get quite hot and sweaty in wrestling practice without much discomfort or distraction.