Can't connect
I have been surprised lately to have my thinking about internet use and passwords changed. I tend to think of my logon name/my account name as me, myself, this body and this head, the physical me. However, I have found several times lately that using my correct logon name and my correct password is not always enough. When I use a different computer or other connected device, some software gets riled up. Ok, actual software and actual wires and screen don't usually qualify as being able to rile up, get excited, etc. Still, I get screenfuls of words like "unregistered device". I didn't think I had ever registered my device.
It seems that just about every website I visit quickly places a banner across whatever is there, a banner that asks me to "create an account". Like many older people, I have tried all my life to do what works and what is fun. So, I am surprised when I find I have been doing something all along that I didn't realize. Reminds me of Monsieur Jourdain in a 1670 Moliere play. He was amazed to find he had been speaking prose all his life.
I know there is a human tendency to personify, to feel that my car is alive, that my cellphone hates me, that my washing machine is 'tired'. I am slowly grasping that I, me, myself can't "connect" to the internet. Only my computer, or my tablet, or my phone or some other properly manufactured device can do that. All along, I have been thinking that I have done this and connected to that when, NO! It was this device or that device, using secret means that I can use and don't really understand. Ok, in truth, when I swallow or pick up an object or say "Hi", I am also using secret (internal) methods that I also don't really, really understand but let's not get into that.
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