Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Looking for something to write about

I am not sure if there is much difference between looking for something to talk about and looking for something to write about.  Just as it is polite and socially helpful to pick and choose conversational topics with some thought, it can also be helpful to choose writing topics with some restraint.  Not everything that comes to mind makes a good conversational topic or a good article subject.  Why are you so stingy?  Do you really think those shoes go with that top?  Who picked your car when it is such an atrocious color?  I have limited these examples to personality characteristics and appearance but I am confident you could think of many other topics and subjects and areas you would not bring up, especially with certain people.  

I guess it is a little different when writing an article or a book.  Naturally, one hopes to write brilliantly, probably hoping to write helpfully, maybe lovingly.  But in much writing, as in many arts and sports, the goal of attracting attention, of writing memorably, standing out from the crowd can be central. Trying to stand out may cause a person to get near the edge of polite behavior or maybe even purposely break typical boundaries.  Some have pointed to the emergence of photography, better cameras, lower prices for photographic equipment and the widespread smartphone ownership means that many Americans have an advanced camera in their pocket.  The evolution of photography is often credited with promoting attempts by visual artists to do different, less photographical work.

Demographics of Mobile Device Ownership and Adoption in ...

https://www.pewresearch.org › internet › fact-sheet › mobile

The vast majority of Americans - 97% - now own a cellphone of some kind. The share of Americans that own a smartphone is now 85%, up from just 35% in Pew Research Center's first survey of smartphone ownership conducted in 2011. Pew Research Center Who owns cellphones and smartphones

We know that feelings and plans are not photographable so writing is our best tool for communicating how I feel about Meryl Streep or oatmeal.  Covid and winter may have increased our amount of thinking so we may have more thoughts and feelings we want to communicate or express.