Sunday, January 16, 2022

CNN Photos of the week

I have read many times that physical exercise is good in many ways.  I wonder if getting an emotional workout is also good.  Many Sundays, we get CNN's "5 Things".  Their newsletter comes out five days a week but there is often a Sunday version, too.  In the Sunday version, there is a link to CNN Photos of the Week.  If I look at each picture carefully, I get elated, deflated, grateful, irritated, fearful, and a pretty wide spectrum of emotions.

I realize that expert news photographers know how to get a rousing picture, how to edit it, crop it so that what they are showing me is there to be seen, and select photos that are especially evocative.  

See what you think:

"Check out more moving, fascinating and thought-provoking images from the week that was, curated by CNN Photos."