Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Basic comfort and maturing

Lynn has been having trouble with her eye.  Things look cloudy.  She had an eye appointment and didn't feel like driving home.  I picked her up and retrieved her car later with the help of my excellent son-in-law.  After I got her car into the garage. I asked her how she was doing.  "I feel like I need some comforting."  I moved close to put my arm around her and she said,"With alcohol'"  She is doing well with a Manhattan.


When people think of growing up, they often mention parents and school and church.  For sure, they are all important.  But underneath there is aging/maturing.  Just as David Eagleman in "Incognito" and Lisa Feldman Barrett in "7 ½ Lessons About Your Brain" both make clear, we have strong forces in our bodies, our genes, our heritage both biological and historical, that guide us.  We tend to think that we understand sexual coming of age.  We don't expect a 6 month old child to take hot interest in an attractive member of the opposite sex but we do expect a 20 year old to do that.  We are always unfolding.  Even our hero, Mr. Zits, knows that.  
