Saturday, October 16, 2021

Fem vibes

Even when I was in kindergarten, I had a girl friend.  There are always girls and women that seem pleasant, pretty and fun to be around.  As I age, there are boys and men that are fun too, but the vibes are different.  The books Incognito and 7 ½ Lessons about Your Brain both help me understand that there are plenty of things going on in me that I don't recognize or detect.  If I put my hand on my wrist, I can feel my pulse.  But my breathing and my heartbeat and digestion occur without my conscious prompting.  That's good.  I don't want to forget to breathe or have a heartbeat.  

I learned how babies get made, and I am myself such a product of sexual congress.  However, I can see that there is a great deal to the sexual/gender differences beyond basic attraction and baby-making.  If I sit and talk with an elderly person, I get different results depending on the sex of the person.  Women over 70 rarely talk about their affection and enthusiasm for the Milwaukee Bucks.  Men over 70 don't usually start a conversation with a statement of concern over the future of a grandchild.  For just about any male-female difference, there can be many counterexamples.  Besides there not being a very firm difference, it could be that my self, my posture, my voice, my build, etc. elicit different reactions from men and from women.  

Just about every day, I see actions or hear statements from women about anxiety or guilt they feel that do not seem to be typical male statements.  Depending on the age, many men seem to never express anxiety or guilt.  Society, including the company of fathers, brothers and coaches, impress men with the value of at least appearing to be afraid of nothing at all.  When I am observing a young elementary school pre-teacher, I expect that person to be a female.  Google says that 89% of US elementary teachers are women so I am going with the odds.  Such a pre-teacher is often superior at emanating affection and respect toward students while being highly reluctant to impose punishment or restriction.  If I am dealing with a man, there may be no expression of strong admiration and a readiness to impose punishment.

I feel vibes with a woman regardless of her age and a different set of vibes with a man.  It would be somewhat difficult for me to test myself since generally, voice, posture, build, mannerisms all tend to emphasize whether I am in the presence of feminine vibes.