Saturday, October 23, 2021

What do I want?

It can be surprisingly difficult to think of heaven, perfect conditions, no problems.  I hear people say it would be nice to do whatever they want.  No restrictions sounds good but where do my wants come from? Not just from me but from others's ideas and examples.

I often get goals, plans, wants from others.  He tells me about a book that sounds good.  She orders an excellent choice off the menu.  The news tells me about someone doing something that sounds like it would be fun.  What I get to do is often the result of someone else's good idea.  It is not always that Mommy and Daddy prevent me from my heart's desire.  The sheriff or the pastor are not just barriers to my doing what I want.  All of them and others are sometimes the source of my wants.

My goals and desires can change.  Not just that "yes" can change to "no".  Goals can get tiresome.  I want chocolate but as soon as I taste it, I remember I have taken refuge in chocolate every day lately.  I am losing my enthusiasm for chocolate. In a way, my wants can age right down to nothing.  Politics and other goals can intertwine.  I like chocolate but I discover that chocolate harvesters and shippers don't get a fair wage.  My desire wanes. 

My body changes and chocolate doesn't taste so good then.  My doctor says that I am getting too much sugar and advises less chocolate.  Suddenly, chocolate isn't appealing.

I find that many goals and desires are related to my habits.  I have a habit of attending the Birds in Art show at the Lee Yawkey museum in Wausau.  We saw the current show today.  My main reaction to the excellent art is a sort of regret that I have never made paintings, carvings and sculptures like that and I never will.  I want to go and see the show, and I did, and I am glad, but the main result is a bit of sadness about my limitations.  We have the habit of going. Having a chance to exercise my usual routine is itself a goal and one that I reached.