Friday, October 22, 2021

What does she know?

Lynn has been having some problems with a piece of software. She is a UW-Madison PhD and can take care of herself.  But I have found that discussing steps involved as well the meaning and result of actions taken with a computer or similar device can help.  Two brains, two sets of eyes, two sets of hands can all help uncover ideas and assumptions.  We got the software Appleworks in 1984.  I worked with it and Lynn did, too, plus she taught a course in using the package of word processor, spreadsheet and database.  There were many times when discussing what we did with the software and describing procedures we used helped one or both of us.  

So, this morning I felt I was continuing along a path we had used profitably before when I asked if she wanted me to work on the software problem.  She said,"I don't want to be rescued."  I was quite surprised.  I thought a major dream of every woman was to have a shiny knight ride up on a beautiful white horse and rescue her.  Later, somewhat recovered from my shock, I asked about the comment.  You never know.  People change over time and I thought maybe she felt I come to the end of my shelf life.

You know what she said??  "I need to solve my own problems.  You aren't going to be around forever, you know."  Can you believe it?  I do believe in women's rights and all.  I think both women and men should live up to their potential, even though nobody really knows what their potential is.  I did read in "The Better Half" by Moalem that women tend to live longer.  Lynn did make a list of a dozen men, close to us and good friends, who died while their wives live on.  I do understand that the problem of mortal life is just that: mortality.  Still, I have no plans to "leave" soon.  Of course, neither did our 12 friends.