Friday, September 18, 2020

Insight into me

"Hacking Your Mind" is a short series of  4 videos on PBS.  The first episode is called "Living on Autopilot".  Much of the idea of being on autopilot and what happens usually when we use our natural immediate impulses to make decisions and choices and commit actions came from the work of Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky.  I am a fan of the work by Kahneman and Tversky and learned quite a bit of the background I needed for my dissertation from their work.  

I have been interested in the parts of my brain and my mind that work beneath my radar.  I always thought of "unconscious" and "subconscious" processes as being like breathing, balance, heart rate and blood pressure but these two and others who have followed in their wake investigated "rules of thumb", mental shortcuts and tendencies that are sometimes referred to as "heuristics".  Wikipedia has some helpful text about the work of Kahneman and Tversky.

I found the PBS program "Living on Autopilot" to be excellent.  You can see it on many PBS stations and on a computer

I have this page of titles about parts of us that don't involve conscious thinking

I like Cordelia Fine, an Australian professor of psychology and the others listed very much.  I have not found a book as good as David Eagleman's "Incognito" at describing the mental shortcuts that our brains use, often to our detriment.  As usual, you can do yourself some good by meditating and increasing self knowledge and self acceptance.