Tuesday, September 15, 2020


We got a new refrigerator today.  The old one served for 27 years.  Lynn likes the freezer on the bottom and having to scrunch down less to see what's on the shelves.  It is a surprising amount of work to change refrigerators.  Much of our food is frozen or otherwise needs to be cold.  The new machine is set for 37° inside and zero in the freezer part.  

We also got our new router today.  It is the most expensive one we have ever bought.  I only just found out that routers can have two bands, a 2.4 G and a 5 G.  I just read this:

The advantage of using the same SSID is that your devices can roam between 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz and pick what they use. It is easy to set up on your devices and seems care free. ... As 2.4Ghz carries further than 5Ghz you will see your devices gradually all move to the 2.4Ghz band and the 5Ghz band is awkwardly empty.

What are the benefits and disadvantages of using different SSIDs for ...

Up to now, I thought 5G was going to be clearly better in nearly all circumstances but I guess not.

Yesterday, I impolitely failed to be at a local coffee shop after agreeing to be there on time.  We rescheduled for today and made a connection.  He knows me well enough that he knows I advocate meditation.  Actually, I think meditation, as described in Chade Meng-Tan's "Search Inside Yourself" and "Joy on Demand" is the single most valuable thing a person can do for themselve and for those around them.  For me, the point is to continuously train myself to notice what is on my mind.  That is usually called "mindfulness" and it consists of noticing what subject, concept or feeling is on my mind.  


Subjects on our minds and inclinations to act are often sent to our conscious minds by parts of our brains that operate below our awareness.  We don't usually decide to ponder the meaning of life, or whether we have too many bugs in the house. We just get into a subject, often without noticing.   We can decide what to think about, but prompts and inclinations frequently arrive mysteriously and unbidden.  There is nothing wrong with thinking about a subject or a question or a worry without making a big deal about allowing that focus to our mind.  But we can develop a feeling of comfort and acceptance with ourselves by noticing what gets promoted as thinking fodder.  

I told my friend that I often see that I am funny, inconsistent, and unpredictable when I stay in contact with myself and what is going through my thoughts and feelings.