Words from the internet
I look at articles that are suggested in several ways. My favorite browser is Firefox. It is associated with the first internet browser I used, called Netscape. It is fairly independent and it also has several services and tools connected to it. All the major browsers (Google's Chrome, Microsoft's Edge, Firefox, Brave and no doubt others) can open separate tabs, which is like having separate windows open at once. The open tabs are listed across the top of the screen and to the right of the open tabs headings, is a plus sign. Clicking on or tapping it opens a new tab. In Firefox (search Google for it if you want it and don't have it yet and download to your machine), the temporary page that comes up when you click on the new tab page includes articles that their Pocket service recommends. Any article that looks good from their recommendations can be saved into a free Pocket account.
If you want to see what sort of articles Pocket offers to a new reader, click here. Https://getpocket.com/explore
Between Pocket, Twitter and Google News, I am continuously coming across young reporters, writers, thinkers and various kinds of science, business and industry workers that have something to say and can say it well. Certainly, there is too much to read, no matter how I go about exploring, but I like to try various avenues to good writing and helpful explanation and thinking.
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