Thursday, September 10, 2020


This might have been in today's blog if I had started earlier, had less to do and actually written.

  1. Sleeping late: me, her and what is does to the day

  2. Busted bird feeder in the back yare: who, what did it?

  3. Computer updated last night, still updating this morning

  4. CRISPR on PBS - Gene editor that is allowing scientists to make BIG changes in living things - see "Human Nature"

  5. Hacking your mind on PBS - See Kahneman's Thinking Fast and Slow

  6. Men care and love each other but don't mention it

  7. Our hands seem as important to our lives as our brains and eyes

  8. Try

  9. Shredding some documents is important

  10. Low prices for the next hour only