My blog and my website
Normally, I post a comment on my blog every day. I started writing to explain how meditation could calm a teacher but over time, so many sources became available that explained meditation, I could see I wasn't needed. So, Fear, Fun and Filoz
came to be a place where I could write whatever I was thinking about. I now have over 5500 posts from 2008 to now.
I made up the word "filoz" to try to say "philosophy"without being too explicit. I later found a reference to an Indian pancake by that name.
I email copies of the day's post to the blog page provided by Blogspot, Google's blog service, and to about 100 recipients.
My website "Kirbyvariety" is a collection of information from my teaching and my reading. When the first website reached maximum allowable size, I added a 2nd so there is a Kirbyvariety1 and a Kirbyvariety2.
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