Books and movies over again
I guess it was from re-reading parts of C.S. Lewis's book "An Experiment in Criticism" where he gets strident over literary and non-literary people, according to his thinking. The main difference between the groups is that his version of literary types doesn't reject reading a book if it has been read. The book "On Repeat" by Judith Margulis explores repetition in music listening.
From that theme, augmented by my interest in what people generally remember after reading a book, the two of us have purposely redone a book and a movie. We will probably repeat again. The book was "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert and the movie was "9 to 5". Both are excellent and of course, we are older, wiser and more broadly thinking now than on our first exposures.
I asked myself what books do I tend to recall often. I think the number one such book is "Incognito" by David Eagleman. Number 2 is probably "The Female Brain" by Louann Brizendine, MD. Incognito is a good book for emphasizing how complex we all are and how our often simple linear notion of a thought followed by an action is quite different from how we actually operate. The Female Brain emphasized for me how marvelous a woman is. I think it is a hoot how every human comes out of a woman and yet men puff up and pride themselves on how terrific they are.
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