Seven notes
Getting deeper in the month - The days sneak into a good -sized pile very quietly. It is already nearly a third of the month gone.
Voice smart speakers - It seems that more people are finding smart speaking gadgets useful
Stephen Hawking - Hawking is the amazing British astronomer and physicist, told as a young man who developed ALS that he would die young, lived to be 76. An outstanding writer, as well
Kindle Unlimited magazines and books - I am surprised at the extent of the books and magazines that are available with Kindle Unlimited
"Look what I found, Grandad" - when my oldest great-grandson was little, he wandered our house and tried surprising and pleasing us by his "fortuitous discoveries" of things around our house
Ufology and UAP - Ufology, the study of Unidentified Flying Objects is the 1st word I have seen combining an abbreviation and the ending of "ology". UAP is still another abbreviation in our increasing use of them. Do you know F.O.M.O.? Use Google.
Mouths full of mush - my hearing is deteriorating. Many conversations sound like all speakers have mouths full of mush.
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