Found him!
The British Psychological Society posed the question: Is your partner the most annoying person you know? I read that just after appreciating my wife, whom I consider my partner. So I rejected the idea that she gives me the most annoyance. I try not to be annoyed by anybody or anything, but I fail, sometimes for only a second and sometimes longer. I asked my mindful self who is connected to the most annoyance I feel.
Turns out the answer is clearly "Me!" I have a broad streak of laziness in me so when I have time and opportunity to go to the store, or get gas for the car, or shelve that book I was reading, I don't. What is the matter with me? I have no good reason not to create the internal permission and motivation but I persist.
I have a memory that is chock-full (what is a chock?) of book titles and intriguing questions but I have to check what day of the week it is. It is right in this area of little items to remember that I get the most annoyance.
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