Friday, February 23, 2024

Expressing deeper love

Not just sex.  Admittedly, sex and reproduction and parenting is a big deal.  For some people, that is all they can reckon with.  However, between habituation and genuine affection, love can be a very strong force.  Have you ever looked into the eyes of someone you love and just wanted to " eat them up"?  I bet you have.  I suspect most people have.  Even if the person is indeed a marital partner, consuming them or diving into them is not available. In addition to sexual attraction and actions, there often is a more intense feeling that is not sex.  Sometimes, it can be disappointing that one can't just reach inside another's chest and tweak their heart.  

It can help sometimes if a message can be fashioned that expresses the frustration with this world's limitations.  A good solid hug can sometimes help.