Monday, March 4, 2024

My typing

In 8th grade, I had a typing class.  I discovered I am not a good typist.  Oh, I can type at a high speed and since keyboards and electronic simulations of them are everywhere, that is a plus.  However, in the class, we lost points for each error.  I always had plenty of errors.  I still do.  I fat-finger, hitting two keys at the same time.  I reach out and over-do the reach or under-do the reach.  I accidentally drag a finger tip across several keys, inventing a new but useless word.

I tried electronic listening to my spoken word but the machine managed to misunderstand what I said and typed words I didn't even recognize.

I find the spell/grammar checker in Google Docs is the best one I have worked with.  It and I disagree sometimes but I always know best, of course.  So, I tell the app to just ignore what it labels as an error.