Separate but united, too
When we were younger, we didn't have much money. We did have love, luck and lots of other good things. But when it came time to pay the bills, things got a little harrowing. It seemed to bother me less so I paid the bills. Over time, Lynn agreed to deal with charities and eventually, she took up funding politicians, too. We have never been big funders but it seems that politicians from all over the American states are willing to accept money from us and to renew requests quite often. Dr. Lynn Kirby seems to be getting faster at tossing requests in the trash but it can still be a pain to deal with dozens of envelopes each day.
Some of our accounts relate to her only, not to me. But most deal with mutual uses and needs, more like the household than either of us individually. Quite a while ago, I decided that at least some of the accounts should carry her name alone and not mine. I may use the account but it is hers. This way of doing things, where one person owns or leads or heads the account can be confusing but nearly everything can be confusing. We like to be somewhat balanced even if it can be confusing and complex.
Society has to deal with the fact that a married couple is actually two people, with different memories, viewpoints and abilities while capable of conceptualizing themselves as one, AT TIMES, and reverting to separate beings at other times.
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