Sunday, January 21, 2024


It's not just that the process is different, faster and cheaper.  I had a darkroom in the house in about my 4th grade.  So, I experienced working with film and chemicals to "develop" pictures using photographic "film".  I went to the drugstore to buy the film, Kodak film.  I don't remember where I got the chemicals, developer and fixer.  Developer made the image emerge on the paper.  Putting the paper in a 2nd liquid filled tray "fixed" the image in an more permanent state.  The paper needed to be dried in the air.  

Here is a recent photo taken with something called a "smartphone", something you are probably quite familiar with.  

Bowls and mugs that my potter partner made recently.  She used her phone, which she and most people carry in a pocket and keep handy to photograph all sorts of things, at a moments notice.  Not like when I was a kid.