Wednesday, January 17, 2024


I tend to pay some attention to 5 poets.  Two in Wisconsin: Kathy Serley and Patricia Williams.  Billy Collins, former poet laureate of the US and author of several books of poetry.  Mary Oliver, now deceased but often mentioned by Lynn, a poet who concentrates on nature.  Ogden Nash, a clown but a good one, author of the poem I have memorized:

When called by a panther

Don't anther.

I noticed recently that Collins has a new book out: Musical Tables.

I was prompted to check on the ebook form of his new book and found it was priced ok so I bought it.  It is filled with very short poems and I read it all today.  Collins is the author of "Forgetfulness", a poem that Lynn refers to often and easily.  I experience the hallmark of old guys: not being able to think of something, usually a name, that I know I know but can't make the word, the name, come to mind.

You can read "Forgetfulness" if you search for it.