Two numbers
I look up two numbers every now and then. One is the number of posts I have made to my blog. That number, before the posting of today, is 5138. The other is the number of ebooks I have, which as of now, is 3374. Both are interesting but neither is really fundamental, the way blood pressure or breath rate is. Both will probably keep growing.
Many books printed on paper pages are in a small enough font that I have some trouble reading it aloud. We read "The Bell in the Lake" by Lars Mytting so we are willing to try the 2nd book in his trilogy set in Norway several centuries back. It was in the public library and Lynn withdrew a copy, a book chosen by her book club. The print size wasn't too bad for me to read but I checked the price of the ebook version and it wasn't too bad so I bought the ebook. Kahneman and Tversky, the most important researchers for my dissertation, found the human impulse to feel a price was "high" when higher than the initial figure mentioned and "low" when less. When I first found ebooks on Amazon, they were 9.99. "The Reindeer Hunters" was 13.99.
Weight and heft is not a problem with ebooks. I only buy at a low price. Amazon ebooks store my highlights in a single file, two features I like - price and highlight file.
The other number, how many blog posts I have made, will grow as the days pass. I like finding a topic and creating suitable wording for a post so the other number will grow, too.
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