Friday, January 5, 2024


My hearing is getting worse. It is not detection of sound but extracting from sound the text of what was said, what it means.  The person who speaks to me the most is my wife.  She gets tired of me asking "What did you say?"  My audiologist says that parts of my brain that convert sounds to meaning are wearing out.

Lynn loves to do puzzles.  Not crossword puzzles so much but Wordle and Connection.  I keep telling her that there are answers in the back of the book for some word and letter puzzles but she would clearly rather wrestle and sweat out the answers without help.  She knows of jigsaw puzzles which show her the disorganized separated pieces and leaves it to her to drag the pieces to the proper place.  I told her I might create an app that takes the presented puzzle and drags a piece to the place it fits. I said, "I might become a billionaire." She said,"Or, a five-onaire".