Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Hydration makes a difference, especially for old people

Both Lynn and I have had some stomach flu in the last few days.  I have strived to keep hydrated during that time.  You know when you are feeling upset, a big glass of water may be the last thing you want so there may be a time when a person wants to pause water intake.  Still, I tried pretty vigorously to get back to my routine of 16 gulped oz. of water at waking up, 16 oz about 2 or 3 PM and various smaller glasses at dinner and afterwards while reading aloud and watching TV.

I am impressed with how little being sick with vomiting took out of me while staying rather hydrated.  I have a suspicion that if humans tend to secure better longevity and better enjoyment of their extra life time, better hydration will play an important part.  The book "Quench" by Cohen and Bria and many other sources can supply ideas and standards.  As I understand it, old people lose some of the ability to tell they are short of water.