Sunday, April 30, 2023

Today's weather

An interesting item today is probably the rain and snow.  I remember one year having heavy wet snow on April 4, but today is April 30, the last day of the month.  Still, we have had snow several times today and it isn't noon yet.  Much of the time, weather is not especially interesting but precipitation is attention-getting, especially if you are wearing hearing-aids.  So far, I have not been told that my rather expensive hearing aids are ruined or malfunctioning because moisture has gotten in them. 

My Florida friend, born and raised in New England, said that she expects the temperature at her house to hit 80 or 90 degrees today.  When I said it was snowing at the time, she was amazed.  I am amazed but not in a good way.  

I once read that this part of the country, northern Great Lakes area, often has long cold winters and short hot summers.  Reading that, I thought why would people want to live there.  Yet, I tried for a job here, got the job and we have lived here for 55 years, most of my life.