YouTube for books (and other information)
Yesterday, I gave a talk to a few people in the room with me and many people on Zoom. Much of my talk referred to books. I am a user of Amazon ebooks and I mentioned that. I am a user of the Libby app, which allows a person with a library card to borrow library-owned ebooks. But Kurt, participating in the audience, emphasized how much benefit he gets from pursuing authors and book content using YouTube. He said that authors discussing and promoting their books often appear in one form or another on YouTube and explain ideas from their books.
I haven't tried finding a book, a discussion of a book, or an author, publisher or other person who knows the book on YouTube but I applaud Kurt's comment. I am not a big YouTube user but I realize the service is enormous. I just looked up "How many people use YouTube per day?". and a recent estimate is 50 billion. The total human population is 8 billion so some people use YouTube plenty! You probably know that some people make substantial money being an "influencer", a person who discusses clothes or sports or child care or something on YouTube.
I did a fair amount of teaching over tv and the power of YouTube seemed strong. I did a bit of experimenting with putting myself on YouTube, which you can see if you are interested here: The short link takes you to my uploads on YouTube, which are basically of very little value. But Kurt's point about getting the ideas of a book through various items you can find on YouTube is a good one. I intend to try doing some of that myself.
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