Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Keyboards and me

I was surprised when I realized that I could not access the internet without an electronic device. Yes, it should be obvious but I was still surprised.  In the late 1980's and early 1990's, I was getting introduced to email.  It seemed marvelous.  I used a computer but I had been using one to analyze data so I guess going through a different procedure and using different symbols seemed quite similar.  

It seemed odd and somewhat uncomfortable to understand that I thought of my friend and I had things to say, I could not say them (via email) without a keyboard, one that was connected to a device that was connected by "magical" waves in something called wi-fi.   Much of this realization happened when I got a message that I was using a connected device that had not been used before.  Would I mind getting a 6 digit code on another device and typing that on this "new" item?  So, they know my devices and can recognize one that works but that I haven't used to access them before.

My greatgranddaughter was irritated when she proudly went to the bank and tried to open an account.  The person working with her explained that her signature on the documents had to be in what she calls "cursive".  She is in the 8th grade and "I had one semester working with this cursive code FIVE years ago!"  

So, I am putting together groups of something called "letters" to form something called "words" on a screen.  I expect similar arrangements to appear in something called "emails" to you and on my blog page.  It has been working and I am glad, but I don't control or even know much of the process that makes my stuff get to you.

I first used a "keyboard" in my own 8th grade in a class on "typing" but our typing was done on that old machine called a typewriter.  I was a very poor typist as far as speed and accuracy goes. I am still not so good but I am doing ok.  I am glad I have the equipment and the electricity and the correct connections between the right wires to write this.