Post Valentine's Day
Thanks for the good wishes for Valentine's Day. Hope it was a good one. One Valentine gift I got was an email saying that our taxes were done and the forms could be picked up from the preparer. I failed to pay any estimated tax over the year so I had a much larger bill than usual. Our accountant sends every back in a single large electronic package. I submitted the right forms to the right addresses and I hope things are right now. Hope you will visit me in prison.
I was so busy with taxes, I didn't notice that today is bill paying. So, later on, I got to that, too.
Lynn is working as host in Gallery Q today and it is a day for her turn fixing dinner. I asked if it would be welcome for me to fix it and it is. We are trying for less meat after being interested by "The Blue Zones Kitchen" by the Blue Zones (greater longevity guy) Dan Buettner. There are several dishes I used to cook and let go, one being lentils. I dug out my folder of recipes and found the one for lentils. I just went to the store and bought three cans of cooked lentils but I plan to add some or all of the listed seasonings.
We have whiskey Manhattans most days and I bought whiskey the other day. The counter clerk mentioned the special sale they had on heart-shaped boxes of 10 single shot bottles of cinnamon flavored whiskey. On a whim, I bought one. The box warns that the whiskey is "red-hot". I am not a red-hot person but we both tried a taste. Not overly hot but certainly not cold. We may figure a combination of a mixer and the whiskey that we like but so far, we have 9 ½ bottles of seasoned whiskey awaiting their fate.
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