Liquids and information
First, liquids. I drink a cup of coffee every morning and another cup at lunch. I have a glass of milk at breakfast or a bowl of cereal in milk. At 10 AM, I have a cup of green tea, except on Wednesdays and Sundays. On those days, I have 8 oz of water with Starbucks instant coffee, either Columbia or Pikes Place. I have a glass of water with dinner. Lynn usually fixes us pint drinks of water during my reading aloud in the evening. If I feel thirsty during the day or my urine is strongly colored, I have water, usually about .8 of a pint from my handy mug.
I have read that as we age, becoming dehydrated is usually an increasing danger. My wife's stepfather was once whisked to a hospital by helicopter for serious dehydration. I think the problem is lessening sensitivity to thirst and the need for liquids. Just writing about this makes me more aware of a feeling of thirst. So, I am getting a drink of water.
Second, information. I am continually being told that Google captures my "information" and sells it. I believe that is possible, but I doubt that it is very important for me. It might be important for Microsoft or Apple but I don't have any indication that it is important for me. I use Firefox browser fairly exclusively. I don't have any of that stuff called "evidence" that Google, China, North Korea or those that hate me have been capturing data about me and selling it. I remember Lycos, a pre-Google search engine, and how impressed I was with Google search when it first became available. I and others wondered how the new company would make money and I guess there are two main ways: ads and the sale of information.
I recommend Firefox but I can't prove that browser doesn't collect my information and sell it to people around the planet hungry to know what I do and where I do it.
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