Five links
Three of five themes I prompted myself with for today's blog post have to do with web pages and links. I will show the links.
I am impatient and skeptical so I prefer the stripped-down version that gets to the essence. So, the two books that seem to capture the important essences of meditation to make the practice worthwhile and inexpensive of time and money are the two books by Chade-Meng Tan: "Search Inside Yourself" and "Joy on Demand". I think the more complete and helpful book is his second one, Joy on Demand. I often think that the collection of highlights I can make with Kindle reading summarizes a book pretty well. Sometimes that is true, sometimes it isn't. Here are links to web pages of highlights I collected from the two books:
Chade-Meng Tan book: Joy on Demand
Chade-Meng Tan book: Search Inside Yourself
I find it helpful and satisfying to check the weather and my time pieces against these two pages:
Exact time:
CNN produces Five Things most days, listing five important news items. It also accumulates Photos of the Week:
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