Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Greatest of the best of all

My plan was to write about superlatives.  I see that in a marketing economy, writers of advertisements have a natural desire to shout that their product is simply the greatest of the greatest of the best ever.  Even that doesn't work since (1) we immediately discount such wording as simple exaggeration and (2) whatever term, seal of ultra-approval, report of highest honors and attainments eventually loses its charm and magic.  

I have friends that are delightful, books that are fun and fulfilling, memories that are satisfying to recall and relive.  I didn't use any superlatives in that sentence.  In case you want to read some of my comments on the subject of superlatives, here are two short links:

Posts containing singular "superlative" t.ly/vIii

Posts containing the plural "superlatives" t.ly/f3W0