My consciousness is limited
The most basic thing I have done for myself, I think, is meditate. But almost as basic has been to read and apply the lessons of "Incognito" by Eagleman and "Seven and a Half Lessons About Your Brain" by Barrett. The two books together helpfully emphasize that my mind is limited and not the main thing in me.
It tends to act as though it is a totally self-sufficient creature but it isn't. That is why both authors emphasize what feels like the ego of the mind, strutting about, confident that it is the boss when all the while the rest of my brain and my body deliver oxygen and hormones where they need to go, while my heart pumps blood and nutrients, and clever parts of me take what they need and let the rest alone.
But if a person is curious, what can he do to meet and know the rest of him? He can ask his mate and relatives and friends. He can note their reaction to him. He can try to be on good terms with those who know him in various roles and postures. He can describe what he thinks and feels in writing that he can consult repeatedly. He can meditate for 5 or 10 minutes each day so that he notices what comes to mind, what he feels.
It takes a certain clarity to face the fact that he wants more, that he sometimes isn't inspired, that he gets awed by the sky and autos and breathing. He can work to accept that he is a very complex critter. He can be friendly and accepting of himself while working, gently and civilly, to improve where improvement is genuinely called for.
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