Thursday, December 8, 2022


If you bake a cake and give me a piece, I get something you made.  If you write a few sentences about what you are doing, I also get something you made. I can get a cake in many places but I can't get a few sentences from you anywhere else.  Your phone or tablet can add to your few sentences with a picture of where you are or what it looks like out your window.  

A couple of years ago, I asked my granddaughter and her family of three other people to write me letters for Christmas.  They were a wonderful look into their lives and feelings and thoughts. It is easy to sit in front of a blank paper or screen and think that you don't know what to write.  But the more you practice thinking of themes and jotting a note, the easier writing stuff gets.  As described in a recent blog post, a person can get the idea that they have accomplished a task and writing a note or a card describing playing a sport or preparing a meal can give the creator a feeling of accomplishment.  

One of the nice things about email is that it is easy and quick to use the BCC option and mail a note about what you are doing or wishing or fearing and send it to five or ten friends.  Maybe some recipients will be too busy to read the email but if one or two are happy just to get something from you, you also will get a lift.  A friend just told me today that she doesn't like email because too many messages pour into her inbox.  She and many other people prefer texting.  Texts can be sent to multiple people at once but pick people you actually want to contact.