Well, that's curious
If you are keeping up with the adventures of Dr. LSRK, she is on the first leg of three, flying home. Yaay!
A friend gave a talk on Zoom. He talked about the function and history of death certificates but he laced his comments with several encouragements to be curious about things. Another friend has developed experience and interest in podcasts. Meanwhile, I have been catching up, very slowly, with my Great Courses. One of them is "Mysteries of Modern Physics: Time" by Sean Carroll. I like Prof. Carroll's way of talking and teaching. So, when I found out that Carroll has a podcast, I decided to install Google Podcasts and look into what Carroll does on his program.
I was surprised to learn that a recent broadcast featured a pair of scholars, who really are twins, discussing ideas about human curiosity. My Zoom friend and I both felt that we didn't know much about curiosity, just that we thought it could be a good thing and that having that characteristic has affected our lives
This is not the first time that I have realized an interest in something and quite quickly found materials related to that interest. I understand that some topics might be fashionable or logically related to current notions so I am not completely stunned by such emergence of relevant materials but at times, it is a little spooky. Some friends say it is not spooky at all but a result of Google surveillance. I continually reply that this Google gang doesn't even pay enough attention to me
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