Saturday, September 3, 2022

Writing here and there

My blog gets written most days.  Currently, I have 4660 posts online.  I started writing Fear, Fun and Filoz in 2008 with the purpose of advocating meditation.  At the time, the evidence that meditating helps the mind, the mood and one's relations with self and others was strong.  It is now much stronger.  Chade Meng-Tan's book, "Joy on Demand" has the shortest and most direct suggestion for a meditative session I have read: one conscious breath.  Many modern American authors suggest something like 10 minutes.

I email my blog posts to about 100 people each day I am home.  On the road, a day is often too mixed up to get around to writing and posting.  The blog appears on its own web page

It is quite possible for someone to bookmark that page and never realize the possibility of getting posts in email.  And, vice-versa, it is possible to get a post daily in the mail and not know about the web page marked above.  The web page includes an index of all 4660 posts, in an orderly and compact form.  

Another stash of writing and ideas are my two websites.  I have a note on the page linked above to my first website.  Eventually, that grew too close to the size limit that Google allows and I started a 2nd continuation site.