When an article or comment or Tweet online has 100 or more comments and responses, it seems to me it takes an extra level of optimism to think that people will scroll through so many messages to reach the latest one. I am open to data and experience. Maybe someone has started a valuable exchange with a post way down the line. Seems unlikely, though.
I can imagine my pride in what I typed and I might scroll down to my wonderful comment to see if anyone reacted specifically to it. With a long list of responses, it may be that "neighborhoods" develop where "local" comments tend to be about a common subject. Later, a respondent may change the subject and develop a new bunch of comments.
This post is titled "Answer" because I am trying to advocate "answering", responding. Not just to a single statement but to all those that create an internal reaction. Many people think about the reaction that others will have to a possible comment and their reaction can matter. But don't underestimate the effect on you of composing a statement, evaluating it for worth, acceptability and such and then posting it. If someone responds in a way that creates a reaction or response in your mind, post your idea. Much of the time, it pays to work at responding in a way that extends the subject in a new direction. Of course, many people fall into the blame game easily and quickly get to a description of some problem and an accusation that such-and-such a person or group of them created the problem or are behind it.
You might be surprised if you haven't experienced the result of answering repeatedly, building up a bit of a conversation with someone. I admit that many people are not inclined to feel a reaction or response, think how to express that answer and post it. However, valuable and satisfying relationships do get established that way. I say give doing so a try.
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