Saturday, September 10, 2022

Testing positive for Covid

We both did home Covid tests this morning..  I turned out positive and she turned out negative.  I have been feeling worse lately.  A physician's assistant told me that home Covid tests show false negatives often.  She said if the test shows you have the problem, you do but, if it shows you are ok, you may not actually be.

Lynn told me about medicine that our daughter and son-in-law took for Covid and I went to two pharmacies in search of the medicine.  I was told that the medicine in question is called Pavlovid.  Both pharmacies said that I needed to see a doctor and get a prescription.  The physician's assistant in the ER of the local hospital looked up my medicines record.  I take Eliquis, a blood thinner and the PA said being on that med is a no-no for Pavlovid.

So basically, I am sleeping often and drinking water continuously.  Lynn has worked today to undo our travel and lodging reservations for a trip that was to run from Tuesday to Sunday.