Friday, June 10, 2022


Today is the 54th anniversary of the day I taught my first classes at the University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point.  I ended up teaching there for 37 years.  I had little idea when I applied there that I would teach on Wisconsin State Television at 6 AM on Sunday mornings.  I didn't actually have to teach at that time since UWSP had good facilities and technicians to record statistics lessons.  They were made in the campus tv studio and were later made available on DVD.  

Many teachers are not attracted to statistics or math but when they write master's theses, they often plan to gather data and analyze it with statistics.  I taught other courses, too, of course.  I have written before about the fun I had teaching the course that surveyed the books that each student had read, ever.  The truth is that most people, age 40 or more, can't actually remember all the books they have read, not even the title.  Students often searched through aging parents' attics to see what books were stored there.  Sometimes, one person would see a title on someone else's list and suddenly remember they had read that book, too.