Monday, June 6, 2022


I had heard about shrinking.  It's not a pleasant subject for a short guy. I noted that when the Indian marriage broker asked wealthy Indian couples and their spotlighted daughter, the first word out of their mouths was "tall", as in "He should be tall".  But I heard that as I age, I can count on being a bit shorter.  So, I was prepared to lose height, maybe an inch or so.  I have.

No one mentioned less stomach capacity.  It is easy to find references to less appetite.  That is actually expected.  But feeling stuffed after one little peanut??  Ok, it is not quite that bad but I keep finding that I can eat only about half or a little more of what I used to.  Between covid and being about a century old, I am not getting much exercise so I can blame that.  But still, I am surprised at how little food fills me up.  

It seems that even a short guy develops a bit of the shape of a capital D.  I guess.  The spine shortens but the body mass hangs more, having less stretch and space.  So, despite the appearance of a capacious gut, there isn't a great deal of internal space.  I expect those in the know are aware of reduced capacity.  It is true that a small number of calories are more quickly burned up.  Expect me back at the table in about 20 minutes.