Saturday, June 4, 2022

Athletics and young people

I read from David R. Hamilton that one way to be "younger" is to think younger.  Maybe you have heard of the "Counterclockwise" experiment where Prof. Ellen Langer of the Harvard psychology department arranged a setting for a small group of men in their 70's to appear as they did when the men were in their 50's.  The short experiment seemed to improve attitudes and some test scores.

Recently, the chemistry PhD who wrote "Why Woo-woo Works", said a way to be younger is to pretend to be, to visualize being younger.  I am not at all sure I want to be younger.

We went to our granddaughter's soccer game today and watched younger people display their skills and use their bodies, minds and senses to play against each other.  The teams of junior high school girls included many who were considerably bigger than I am and could certainly run faster than I can.  I played soccer in my freshman year and was probably the worst player on the team.  I not only had little sense of where the play was or where it was going, it didn't occur to me that running this way and that was not intelligent nor strategic.  

The soccer fields in the neighboring town are in a single big park area.  We asked a woman if she could tell us where field 6 was.  She told us and I asked her how she knew that.  She said, "From living on the soccer field for ten years."  If you have children who play on teams, especially summer or non-school teams, the players need to get to playing facilities all over.  I can certainly understand why parents might not be at too many away games.