Friday, April 29, 2022

A few minutes each day

You don't need anything but you.  Sit comfortably but alone and still for, say, 5 minutes.  During that time, keep your attention on one thing.  A good choice and a traditional one is your breath.  Using your breath, you can close your eyes.  Sometimes, closed eyes create fewer distractions, reminders, worries, themes, etc.  

Why do that?  Doing so increases mindfulness, the awareness of what gets suggested to you by your unconscious mind.  While waiting for the timer to ding, dismiss such suggestions.  It is only five minutes.  If the five minutes is pure torture, try to take the torture as a sign of health and evidence of smart investment of your energy and effort.  

This kind of activity has been practiced by some people of India, China and other Asian nations for thousands of years.  It is good for you, very inexpensive and helpful.  As you develop greater awareness of your mind's activity, you develop a better ability to guide your thoughts and steer your feelings about yourself, others, and life in general.